S.M. - Fall 2014
A random collection of pics of The Original S.M. Crew (The Grand Wizard Stevie 'D' & The Great Doc-"P") from late summer through the end of the year.
WYBC / Juan Castillo's Day Party - 10/4/14
The Original S.M. Crew (The Grand Wizard Stevie 'D' & The Great Doc-"P") w/ DJ Juan Coon Live At Juan Castillo's Day Party 3-7pm At The Oakdale Theater, Wallingford, CT
94.3 WYBC / Juan Castillo's Day Party -1/17/15
The Original S.M. Crew (The Grand Wizard Stevie 'D' & The Great Doc-"P") w/ DJ Juan Coon Live At Juan Castillo's Day Party 3-7pm At Van Dome Night Club, New Haven, CT
SM Throwbacks (Mi
The Original S.M. Crew - Founded 1978 by The Great Doc-"P" in "Green Money" Greenburgh, NY.